
Where have I been?

Back to my meditation spot. The summer flew by, with walking kyaking rowing and swimming! I feel blessed everyday! & I feel my parents' presence in the midst of this beauty! Butterflies reminding me that mom is with me. And whenever an eagle soars across the water, I know that dad is soaring ina other realm! And I feel: "I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation And the only explanationI can find Is the love that I've found Ever since you've been around. you're what makes me on top of the world!


There is something comforting, peaceful, medatative; about being inthe midst of gisnt cedars. Their sheer size, derp roots, speak to the wisdom in their branches after decades of battling the wind, the rain, the snow...and all the elements that are a part ofour lovely creation!

Rest not rush!

latest mantra: rest dont rush. Photo taken 2 years ago at the monastery of St Gertrudes in Cottonwood, Id! I attended a week long retreat on the rule of St Benedict! A full moon sunset over the prarie! Learning to adjust as i seek treatment for my lung disease, MAC, mycobacterium avium intracellulare complex. A mouthful in itself! A new normal, as i am more tired and fatigued! But, blessed because i can still do most things, just at a slower pace! Patience, ponderings, peace! Jeez Louise!

Ti Mamaigo Si Yu’os 3/2/24

Ti Mamaigo Si Yu’os” when translated means “God never sleeps." James Paul Gumataotao This is a mantra often recited when one experiences orcwitnesses an injustice in a Spanish speaking country. While we in the US are faced daily with conflict being played out with hurtful words and acts. There is no question that Trump has intriduced into our society a hateful rhetoric that folks are willing to exercise. I try to be hopeful, and i know Gid never sleeps. I just want him/her to do more in the waking hours. But perhaps it is up to me to do more! But, I feel tired, & helpless to make changes. Even though I know in my heart that every little ripple makes a change! as Ghandi said, "BE THE CHANGE!" Jeeze Louise!

Not so perfect! Take 2 Feb 27/24

Realizing that life really is not so perfect! But if i use the Greek, then at some point; life will be whole:PERFECT! reading abook about the Salvadorian war! Always the same. Always the poor experiencing the most devastation. As in Gaza, & the never ending wars in Africa. "What You Have Heard is True" by Carolyn Forche. she talks about Praxis, "humanan action to change reality." pg 277. or, established practice or customs. poet Czeslaw Milosz:"If a thing exists in one place, it exists everywhere." and poet, Bertolt Brecht said,"the power of the poor to change the course of history is the world's one hope." jeeze Louise! ."

Perfect Feb 24, 24

"Today’s Gospel contains three commands from Jesus: Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. Be perfect Loving and praying for such people seems challenging at best. But it’s the third command - “Be perfect” - that might provide the most hope and empower us to love more wholly. The original Greek for perfect can also be translated as whole or complete. Using this translation, the command no longer seems impossible. Be whole." Marissa Flores Madden in today's Refresh lenten prayer regarding Mathew 5:43-48. interesting to use the Greek definition of percect, which is whole.. Jow can i learn to be whole this season? Whole like the fullness of the Moon. which will be full tonight. But, Spokane has been mostly cloudy snd grey, which is matching with my own feelings these days. My lung disease, macrobacteriun avium intracellulare complex, MAC, has returned. So, I am learning a new normal; negotiating doctor appointments, IV treatments, generally learni

Dreams February 12, 24

 Dreams:  series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring  in a person's mind during sleep.   So, February 14, Valentine 💘 day,  marks the 110 anniversary of the Slovenian arrival in Homedale.  I was looking up info, so perhaps this not surprising that I have been having dreams of the folks in the settlement.   They settled on land on what is now on Graveyard Point Road.  A cluster of 3 room shacks, their “dream” homes!  Along with 40 acres of sagebrush, which was supposed to already have been planted with alfalfa!   So, 2 nights ago, it was dream about dad walking along Graveyard point road with a long time neighbor. The setting was similar to the road to Emmaus.  “  During the journey to Emmaus, according to Alfred McBride, Jesus patiently guided the two disciples "from hopelessness to celebration".  Much like my dad’s death, not really hopelessness.  But certainly loss to celebration.   And last night, I dreamt I was visiting the Starman’s  with my mom.  Frank an