
Showing posts from December, 2022

December 29 celebrate

 Word for the day:  celebration: pleasure at an important event.   I have missed a week due to celebrating the birth of Jesus with my family and friends.  However, I continue to have my mornings of silent reflection.  Now the morning NPR has become a distraction.  Prayer, mindfulness and contemplation are becoming a daily routine.   The Christmas 🎄 holiday was blessed and joyful.  The grandkids were happy with their “haul.”  And we all attended the Children’s Mass together. And extended family for the day!   This was part of my disconnection from the group.  I was still trying to get over my cough and prepare for return to the walk on the 22, with the large group.  Today I am reminded to do all things, “for the greater glory of God.”   This day of meditation offered us “the 2 standards”. We can choose to follow Jesus and a life of simplicity and love,  or we can choose the ways of the world.   While the pilgrims...

December 22, Anticipation

 Word for the day:  Anticipation: expect, regard as probable  Christmas, almost here!   The grands anticipating the coming of Christ & Santa Us, at the lake, -13 at night, anticipation of the days becoming longer after celebration of the Winter Solstice in our warm lake home! Anticipation, regarding as probable that the Christ child will come to us again on Christmas Day, to remind us again of the important things in life.  Caring for one another, especially the poor, homeless, disenfranchised. The importance of peace in the world, turning the other cheek.  Living a simple lifestyle.   And so, as the”Winter Season” begins; so begins week 3 of the spiritual exercises.  Week 3: centers on the passion of Jesus. The retreatant is asked to travel the way of the cross with Jesus. The readings today focused on the Good Samaritan woman at the well who provides water to Jesus.   Here is a statue of the Samaritan woman with her water jugs.  Sh...

December 20, prayer 🙏

 Word for the day: contemplation: deep reflective thought!  And prayer:  solemn  request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship. The end of Week 2 of the spiritual exercises.  Lessons from week 2?  A learning and leaning toward patience! I began to learn to listen and to care for my soul, my spirit, and my body.  I contemplated Jesus’ turn to his ministry and his oh so public life after working with his father Joseph, as a carpenter.  A builder, from buildings to souls!  I also was once again confronted with learning to be humble. A hard lesson for me in this life!  I was humbled by realizing I was unable to complete the whole walk.  I had approached it with a certain swagger, having always been one of the fastest walkers I know!  Humbled to realize that my lung disease MAC may actually have some debilitating effects on my lungs. And that stress, colds, and bad air quality all contribute to di...

December 19, Hanukkah

 Word of the day: Hanukkah: dedication The Hebrew word Chanukah means  “dedication.”  Hanukkah begins today! The holiday commemorates the triumph of a band of rebel Jews (known as the Maccabees) in reclaiming the Temple in Jerusalem from the Greek-Syrians. Their victory is documented in the First and Second Book of Maccabees. Hanukkah, therefore,  celebrates freedom from oppression. I took  a day trip to Girona after the end of the pilgrimage.  A Star of David at the Jewish Museum there. This city had a large Jewish population until they were expelled in 1492.  The holiday commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the second century B.C. Although there was only enough oil to keep the menorah on the altar burning for one night, the menorah miraculously burned for eight days.                Menorah in the museum               ...

December 18, let it snow!

Word for the day:  snow: water vapor frozen into crystals.  Crystal: clear and transparent.  4th Sunday of Advent.  The birth of Jesus in a week!  Today, Dave and I shoveled snow at the lake.  Who needs a gym when you have snow shovels?                      Here I am in the winter wonderland at Diamond Lake       Look in upstairs window.  Do you see an owl? Reading from the Gospel of Luke today was the story of the immaculate conception from Humble and loving Joseph’s perspective. And Isaiah 7:14: Lord   will  give you a sign in any case: It is this: the young  woman  is with child and  will  give birth to a son whom she  will  call Immanuel. On this day of the pilgrimage, we spent the day in Zaragoza.  We were blessed to view the blessed Virgin, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Pillar.  According to Wikepedia: The   Cathedral...