
Showing posts from May, 2023

May 27 rain ☔️

Word for the day:  rain.  “  moisture  condensed  from the atmosphere that falls  visibly  in separate drops.“ The rains fell last night at the farm, and cleansed the earth. I hope, too, that it will cleanse my soul as we near Pentecost Sunday; the coming of the Holy Spirit!!! Sun trying to shine through the clouds.  Storm still on the horizon.  And the crops begin to grow from the nourishment of water.  I am blessed to have been born on a farm.  Growing up watching plants grow and thrive when well taken care of!  Like all life should be!                       Jeez Louise!

May 18, In the news

Words for the day: in the news!   The Fig Tree is an ecumenical newspaper that has blessed Spokane for over 30 years! This month, they featured my Camino walk.   Look for it at: Jeez Louise!


Word of the day:  statio “In the monastic tradition,  statio  is the practice of stopping one thing before beginning another. It is the acknowledgment that in the space of transition and threshold is a sacred dimension, a holy pause full of possibility. This place between is a place of stillness, where we let go of what came before and prepare ourselves to enter fully into what comes next.   Statio  calls us to a sense of reverence for slowness, for mindfulness, and for the fertile dark spaces between our goals where we can pause and center ourselves, and listen. We can open up a space within for God to work. We can become fully conscious of what we are about to do rather than mindlessly completing another task.” This is from Richard Rohr Daily Meditation:     Christine Valters Paintner,  The Soul’s Slow Ripening: 12 Celtic Practices for Seeking the Sacred  (Notre Dame, IN: Sorin Books, 2018), 9, 8   In Seattle for the 2nd time since pan...