November 10, prayer π
Word of the day: prayer: solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity.
So, in Islamic countries, they pray 5 times a day. Prayer times list for today in Marrakech: 06:14 (Imsak), 06:24 (Fajr), 07:50 (Sunrise), 13:16 (Dhuhr), 16:16 (Asr), 18:41 (Sunset), 18:41 (Maghrib), 19:58 (Isha). (No Salah at sunrise).
The five daily prayers are obligatory (fard) and they are performed at times determined essentially by the position of the Sun in the sky. Hence, salah or prayer times vary at different locations on the Earth.
Fajr (dawn)
Fajr begins at subh saadiq -- true dawn or the beginning of twilight, when the morning light appears across the full width of the sky -- and ends at sunrise.
Zuhr (midday)
The time interval for offering the Zuhr or Dhuhr prayer starts after the sun passes its zenith and lasts until 20 min (approx) before the call for the Asr prayer is to be given. There is thus a long period of time within which this prayer can be offered, but people usually make their prayer within two hours after the Azan has been announced from Mosque.
Asr (afternoon)
The Asr prayer starts when the shadow of an object is the same length as the object itself (or, according to Hanafi fiqh , twice its length) plus the shadow length at zuhr, and lasts till sunset. Asr can be split into two sections; the preferred time is before the sun starts to turn orange, while the time of necessity is from when the sun turns orange until sunset.
Maghrib (sunset)
The Maghrib prayer begins when the sun sets, and lasts till the red light has left the sky in the west. It usually lasts for about 18 to 20 minutes from the start of Maghrib Time.
Isha (night)
The isha prayer starts when the red light is gone from the western sky, and lasts until the rise of the "white light" (fajr sadiq) in the east. The preferred time for Isha is at night or before midnight.
Full Moon π, Bouznika, Morocco 9/11/22 Up for prayer, dawn, FAJR
Sunset, M Maghreb, Maghreb, sunset prayer
Prayer is broadcast, and can be heard throughout the city of Marrakech. I found the “chanting” very meditative. I stopped and prayed a prayer of Thanksgiving at each prayer time.
We departed our Light of the Sun Riad around 10am, finding we were one of the few on the streets. We walked to some gardens, found a great play ground. Teetering and tottering our way.
Equal, Balance, Prayer πThe park we walked through
Grateful and thankful is the way to be….interesting read about the prayer times through the day
ReplyDeleteIt’s cold out but dry, so more leaf raking this am and the FFF with Sidetrack later…..
I’m glad you’ll soon be home so we can be thankful together
So very glad you are able to spend this time with Eileen. I’m sure it means as much to her as you. I think we get so wrapped up in our daily tasks that we forget to take a breath, look around and say thank you for all that has been given to us. I want to thank you for being so open and sharing your experiences snd history. I sometimes feel I’m not in bklyn but with you.