April 27, Detachment again

 Word of the day: detachment: being objective or aloof.

But in the spiritual sense, it takes on a whole different meaning:  

According to the Bhagavad Gita: acting with detachment means doing the right thing for its own sake, because it needs to be done, without worrying about success or failure.

And Richard Rohr in his daily reflections from “A Spring Within Us”:                                                            

 To any of us comfortable people, detachment sounds like losing, but it is actually about accessing a deeper, broader sense of the self, which is already whole, already content, already filled with abundant life. This is the part of us that has always loved God and has always said “yes” to God. It’s the part of us that is Love, and all we have to do is let go and fall into it. It’s already there. Once we move our identity to that level of deep inner contentment and compassion, we realize that we’re drawing upon a Life that is larger than our own and from a deeper Abundance. Once we learn to do that, why would we ever again settle for some scarcity model for life? [2]  

One thing I cannot detach from is nature and it’s healing:

                                The Palouse at sunset
       The lake at sunset!  Snow is finally gone!  Spring? 

                                  Jeez Louise!


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