Ti Mamaigo Si Yu’os 3/2/24

Ti Mamaigo Si Yu’os” when translated means “God never sleeps." James Paul Gumataotao This is a mantra often recited when one experiences orcwitnesses an injustice in a Spanish speaking country. While we in the US are faced daily with conflict being played out with hurtful words and acts. There is no question that Trump has intriduced into our society a hateful rhetoric that folks are willing to exercise. I try to be hopeful, and i know Gid never sleeps. I just want him/her to do more in the waking hours. But perhaps it is up to me to do more! But, I feel tired, & helpless to make changes. Even though I know in my heart that every little ripple makes a change! as Ghandi said, "BE THE CHANGE!" Jeeze Louise!


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